Multiple Choice adding state with a tick for the correct answer.

Mar 10, 2023

Hi everyone,

I want to add a tick to the correct answer chosen by the student. However, I do not want this tick that I added to appear until the end of the quiz. Storyline's embedded correct answer symbol doesn't fit my background and is too small.

My triggers for both the incorrect layer and the correct layer.


Change the state of the radio button three to correct when user clicks Continue button.

Jump next slide when user clicks on the Continue button.


However, when it jumps to the other slide I can see the tick symbol that I created.


When I change the order of the triggers, every thing goes okey, but when I review the quiz. I can navigate among the layers, not multiple choice questions.


How can I fix this? Or can I change the tick in Storyline’s built-in tick symbol.

3 Replies
Eric Santos

Hi Remzi,

Thanks for reaching out! The built-in review screen isn't one you can customize including the tick symbol; this explains the behavior you see even after adding the triggers. You could look at the options here to build your custom review screen. Please check out this article:

Let me know if that helps you achieve your design goals!