Multiple choice button marked

Feb 12, 2019


I have a one question quiz, it is built as "Multiple Choice" in Storyline. The issue is the following:

Let's say I have options A, B, C. The correct answer is B. When I'm selecting the answer, I first push the button C, but then I change my mind and try to select option B. When I click on option B, the button is selected, BUT the button on option C still remains as selected. What can I do? Is it a bug? 

Attached is the screen. Thanks in advance for the help.

5 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Looks like Phil has you covered here, Valeria. Here's some documentation on button sets for you or anyone that may be following along.

I just wanted to pop in and welcome you to E-Learning Heroes!

If you need some assistance with this, with your permission, I'd be happy to take a look at your project file to investigate what's happening. You can share it publicly here, or send it to me privately by uploading it here. I'll delete it when I'm done troubleshooting.

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