Multiple text entry to include mandatory numeric character

Feb 22, 2022

Hi, I have a slide with a set of text input fields. The user needs to enter codes into the fields, from  a selection of multiple (subject) codes. I need to ensure that at least 1 of the input fields contains a numeric 3 or a 4. Is this possible?

1 Reply
Walt Hamilton

You could run a javascript to see if one of the fields contains a 3 or 4, but I don't think that will solve your problem. I think you are asking for a way to be sure you have a level 3 or 4 class. The javascript would identify a class number like 132, for example, as a level 3 class.

If all classes have a guaranteed 3 letter designation, you could write js to check if the fourth character is a 3 or 4. The problem with that is that it is dependent on the student not making any mistakes in the entry.