Multiscorm storyline moodle lost bookmark

Jan 17, 2017

Hello everyone, I have a problem with the multiscorm courses developed with storyline.
The problem is about the bookmark in Moodle platform.
Courses are composed of several modules, with the prerequisites between a module and the next.
If I'm doing the course and go out (for example if I clicking on the administration side menu), when I come over, the bookmark is saved.
If step from one module to another inside the course, the bookmark is lost (for example, I'm doing the module 2 and jump to the module 1, if I return in module 2 the bookmark is lost, which does not happen if I go out from the course as I said before).

I hope I was clear.

6 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi Ste, welcome to Heroes!

I personally don't have experience using Moodle, so I'll have to defer to the community for their experience with that LMS. Can you share a bit more about your specific set-up so other Moodle users can chime in and assist?

I also wanted to point you to this tutorial on how the Resume feature in Storyline works. 

Ali Goulet

Hi Ste!

If I'm understanding you correctly, you're looking to be able to jump to where you left off in the course after going back to previously viewed parts of the course. The resume feature is only designed for when the course is left entirely and returned to. It will hold the place of where you left off when the course was exited. It's not a tool that's designed to be used within the course itself, when jumping back and forth to previously viewed lessons. 

I hope that helps clarify a little better. If you'd like to share your course file here in the thread, our community members may be able to chime in with some ideas on how to accomplish what you're looking to achieve. 

Ste Tam

Thank you very much fo the support.
I enclose the SCORM that cause the problem with moodle.

It’s a very simply scorm of 4 lessons with prerequisites.

This is the Test that I have done:

First Test:

·         Begin MOD1

·         Complete MOD1

·         Begin MOD2

·         I go to SLIDE 2 of MOD2

·         I go out from the course through a voice of the left menu (for example Badge)

·         I enter again into the course

·         I enter into MOD2 and I resume where I left off

·         I’m on SLIDE 2 of MOD2 (This is correct)

Second Test:

·         Begin MOD1

·         Complete MOD1

·         Begin MOD2

·         I go to SLIDE 2

·         I enter into MOD1

·         I’m on SLIDE 1 of MOD1 (This is incorrect )


In the Second test the SCORM lost the bookmark

Dan Marsden

I think this is probably an issue because each SCO within the SCORM uses the same "container" to store the "bookmark" - as Alyssa mentions, Articulate does not support multi-sco packages and it sounds like you have modified it yourself. You will probably need to upload them as separate SCORM packages in Moodle rather than combined into a single package unless someone else has any ideas on how to modify your SCORM package to allow the bookmarking to work across all SCO's

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