My First Storyline Quiz

Feb 15, 2014

HI everyone,

For the backstory of this presentation, see here and here

I probably should have started off with something a lot easier, but this is my first quiz I created in Storyline. I have to say i'm impressed with how relatively easy it is to create rather complex interactions with this software (and a lot of help from the community). I just started working with Storyline last Friday. Thanks to everyone for the help (I learned a lot about how to use the software just by reading all the posts that are here: this forum is by far the most useful I've ever participated in). Hope to be able to help others in the future, but now I think I'm going to learn Storyline more systematically rather than just figuring out what I want to do at a specific moment.

So here is the my first quiz. I still need to work on the introduction and the results slide, but I think I figured out the most difficult parts of creating it. Thanks again, and I'm glad to be back in the Articulate community again. 


PS: Any suggestions for improvement would be welcome. 

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