Navigation instructions in Storyline 360 and 3

Jul 06, 2017

Hi everyone,

What a day... seems like I've been facing some many challenges today trying to bring old courses up to date. 
We are working on 2 projects right now that we are rebuilding completely in Storyline 360 and we are now facing a major issue. For years, we always proposed "Navigation help/tips" at the beggining of each courses.
But now that we are working with Storyline 360 and that the player change aspect on mobile devices (which we love by the way!), we are facing an issue as we can't present the buttons on the player anymore, because they're not always at the same spot, depending if you are on a PC, a tablet/mobile phone holding it straight or side ways... :/

I was wondering what others might have come up with to fix this "problem"... I was thinking... maybe I could try to detect weither the learner is on a mobile devide or not, to guess the aspect of the player, but even then, it could be different depending on how he's holding it.

Can't wait to hear from you guys.


1 Reply
Alyssa Gomez

Oh no, Cynthia! Sorry you're having one of those days. At least it's Friday, right? ☺️

I had an idea for you. Could you start the navigation/help tips with a question: What type of device are you using? Then provide a button for PC and a button for mobile which will open separate layers for each set of instructions.

You could also restrict which mobile device orientation your learners use. For example, if you wanted your learners to view the course in landscape mode only, follow these steps. 

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