Need a clearing mechanism like a clear button

Aug 01, 2019

Hi all. I have a project based on a template that is a checklist. The problem is once the checklist is done, the user can no longer interact. I want the user to be able to go back after the list is complete and review things. I'm thinking a clear button or something like that would work where the options would all be available again, or the user could go through the checklist again. I'm sure there are variables involved but it's beyond my skill set. I would appreciate any help you can provide. :)

2 Replies
David Schwartz

Hi April,

You can do this simply without variables. In slide properties, set the revisiting option to Reset to initial state. Then you can add a button, call it Clear or whatever you like, and add a trigger for it that jumps to the same slide, that is, the slide will jump to itself. This will have the effect of restarting the slide, and clearing out the conditions. 

One caution about this approach, though, is that if users go backwards from a later slide to this one, it will always show its initial state.

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