Need Help (SL 360): Sliding "Drawer" Effect Using Line Motion Paths and Triggers

Dec 18, 2020

Hi Folks - I'm trying to create a "drawer" like effect that reveals a text box (text box = "drawer") when a picture is clicked. The text box is initially hidden behind a blocker shape and then follows a line motion path out from underneath, sort of like a drawer being pulled out, when that picture is clicked. I have four drawers, however, and if one is already pulled, it should return under the blocker shape once a different drawer is pulled out (meaning one of the other three pics is clicked). In other words, only one drawer should be open/out at any given time.

The problem is that no matter which pic gets clicked all of the returning line motion paths get activated on the other three text boxes.

I've attached the single slide. Any advice on how I might achieve the effect I'm looking for?

Thanks so much!


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