No built-in states for "Right" or "Wrong" answers in freeform questions ?

Apr 12, 2024


I love freeform questions and the ability to select almost anything as an answer and all the interactivity that I can build around that.

But it's a huge pain to build the triggers and the states for right or wrong answers, even if those built-in states exist in freeform drag-n-drop questions (with the possibility to have it triggered while answering which is neat).

Why not create custom 'Right answer' and 'wrong answer' built-in states ? OPtions that appear only when in a freeform question? That would make so much sense and save so much time !!!

But  maybe I missed something, some hidden trick. I'd hope to not have to build all my interactions from scratch!


3 Replies

Thank, Phil. You being there and telling that means that there's no hidden trick sadly... I'll roll up my sleeves and get started then :)

The thing is, with all AI stuff coming, Good old Storyline gets the heat, everyone want everything AI-fast. Things are moving on quick, so an enterprise has to train its collaborators quickly too.

The more we get handy tools to do stuff on the fly, the more we can argue to keep using Storyline instead of switching to AI-enabled LMSes that bring out content in a week, not a month.