No emailing quiz results in Storyline?

May 15, 2012

Hi all.

I realise that Storyline doesn't report Scorm results when used in an iPad, but I thought I could just email the percentage or that fact that they completed to an email address, and 'Complete' them manually in the LMS.

Unlike Quizmaker, there doesn't seem to be an option for this. Anyone found a way around this?

76 Replies
Thomas Eash

Chris Fletcher said:

I've got it... in a very basic way:

var player = GetPlayer();

var yourData1=player.GetVar("yourVariable");''+yourData1);

Then you can create a page at the other end in asp/php that reads the data from the url and writes it to your database. I already have a file that works, so I just need to adapt it to work for this. You can add other variables by creating variables and calling them from your storyline variables, then putting '&anotherVariable' +yourData2 and so on after yourData1 in the  command.

Could you possibly list the code in your .ASP file. This is the missing link for my project.

DISA Communications

Jamie Morgan said:

Hi Jacinta,

I use the "Jump to URL/File" trigger. I just build a "Course Completion" button on the slide with instructions on how to receive course completion (see image below). In the trigger itself, simply type:

I usually will put the course name in the subject so then I know they completed the course when I get an e-mail from them with that subject line. This won't help you with receiving a percentage score but would be a way to do completion via an iPad. This does work, I've tested it inside the Mobile Player on the iPad.


Phil Mayor

Lawrie Stephenson said:

Hi everyone,

So I have been using javascript (kindly donated within the forum). This works fine when published as a CD and launched using the Launch_Story.exe however launching from story.html when published as web will not open outlook.

Any assistance greatly apreciated

You would need to host the web content on the web for the javascript to work

Jim Fletcher

I am not using a quiz per se either but a Freeform Survey Slide requesting feedback from learners on their learning experience for that course.  What their likes and dislikes are along with the good and the bad.  I would like this information in either email or Report to LMS Administrator.

Example, thanks for any help on this

Jackie Chu

Kevin Thorn said:

Courtesy of Steve Flowers from an older conversation. You could use the Execute Javascript to send an email:


//create a player object

var player=GetPlayer();

var userEmail=GetVar(“emailFromStoryline”);

var userScore=GetVar(“scoreFromStoryline”);

//construct the link

var link= userEmail

    +"&subject=" + encodeURI

 ("Course Completion!")

    +"&body=" + encodeURI

 ("Congratulations! Your score for thiscourse is"+ userScore +".");

window.location.href= link;




Just another idea.

Hi everyone,

Sorry to be a pain but I don't understand how to implement this solution? I would like to allow users to email their quiz results, how do I go abouts saving that in a variable in storyline and then having that go into an email? I am pretty much a beginner with both Storyline and javascript so a breakdown of the basic steps would help me greatly, so far I have added the button with:

to the results slide but would ideally like have their score recorded as well.

We will be moving to using an LMS in the future but still need to make do with this for a while.

Many thanks in advance.

so can

Alicia Blitz

Kevin Thorn said:

Courtesy of Steve Flowers from an older conversation. You could use the Execute Javascript to send an email:


//create a player object

var player=GetPlayer();

var userEmail=GetVar(“emailFromStoryline”);

var userScore=GetVar(“scoreFromStoryline”);

//construct the link

var link= userEmail

    +"&subject=" + encodeURI

 ("Course Completion!")

    +"&body=" + encodeURI

 ("Congratulations! Your score for thiscourse is"+ userScore +".");

window.location.href= link;




Just another idea.

Thanks Kevin for the helpful post.

I am very frustrated, as I have tried using the both JavaScript and URL functions to generate an email, but I can't seem to get either to work in Storyline. Does anyone have any ideas on what the problem could be?

My company is on i.e. 8 and I am planning to run from SharePoint. But I can't even get the email command to generate when running from my desktop.

Here is my JS I modfied:

//create a player object

var player=GetPlayer();

var userEmail=GetVar(“emailFromStoryline”);

var userScore=GetVar(“scoreFromStoryline”);

//construct the link

var link= userEmail

    +"&subject=" + encodeURI

 ("Course Completion!")

    +"&body=" + encodeURI

 ("Congratulations! You have completed the Performance Management Course".");

window.location.href= link;

Any help or insight wold be appreciated!

Kelly Cleaver

Chris Fletcher said:

Additional to this, I have found that I needed to create a new variable for reporting the score of the course. I called this"result" and set a trigger to adjust the variable to be equal to Results.ScorePoints for the start of the timeline on the results slide.

Chris, When I try to make a trigger for the result variable there is not an option to set the variable = Result.ScorePoints. Any help would be appreciated.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Kelly,

I'm not sure what Chris had set up, but the Results.ScorePoints variable is not one that is accessible within Storyline (the same is true of all the results slide variables). You may want to send him a private message to see if he's able to share any additional information with you on what he set up.

Kathryn Kolencik

Jim Fletcher said:

I am not using a quiz per se either but a Freeform Survey Slide requesting feedback from learners on their learning experience for that course. What their likes and dislikes are along with the good and the bad. I would like this information in either email or Report to LMS Administrator.

Example, thanks for any help on this

Did you ever find a resolution for this? I'm fiddling with a similar situation now. I'm not quizzing or looking to send results. Rather I'm hoping to capture name, email address, and a text field in an email when a user clicks on a submit button...

Chris Fletcher

Hi all

I know posts to this thread still come in regularly, and I occasionally view them, but if I were to go back and look at what I did 2 years ago, I would effectively be starting from scratch again. Unforutnately for you (but not for me) we installed a LMS in the November after this post was started, and so my need for this to work disappeared and I didn't do any further work on it.

Ashley, I just wanted to respond to this:

Ashley Terwilliger said:

Hi Kelly,

I'm not sure what Chris had set up, but the Results.ScorePoints variable is not one that is accessible within Storyline (the same is true of all the results slide variables).  You may want to send him a private message to see if he's able to share any additional information with you on what he set up. 

I'm pretty sure that it is possible to access these variables on the Results slide, in fact, here is a screenshot to show it

Bj Wilson

For anyone still having these issues please try these instructions that are posted at I just found the post when searching for an answer to the questions in this thread.

Posting Your Final Results in an E-mail Using Articulate Storyline

Posting Your Final Results in an E-mail Using Articulate Storyline

Most small business units conduct operations manually. These organizations may not be in a position to afford an LMS. So, is there a way by which we can send the scores through email to training managers? Yes, we can, using Articulate Storyline. Let’ see how.

Step 1: First, create a final quiz for your eLearning course.

Step 2: Insert a result page, for your final quiz.

Insert a result page

Then a slide properties tab will open. Click on the “Options” tab. Then check the “Show user’s score” and “Show passing score”.

Slide Properties Tab

Then by default, four variables are created as shown in figure. “Results.ScorePercent, Results.ScorePoints, Results.PassPercent, Results.PassPoints

Four default variables

Step 3: Insert a numeric entry field.

Insert a numeric entry field

When we insert a numeric entry field, by default, a variable “NumericEntry” is created.

Numeric entry created

Step 4: Insert a button and name it as “Email Results”. Assign the following triggers to it, in the same order as shown below.

Trigger 1: Here I want to send the learner’s score. So I assign the value of the variable “Results.ScorePoints” to “NumericEntry”. (If you want to send score percent, Assign “Results.ScorePercent” to “NumericEntry”).

Trigger 1

Trigger 2:

It’s time to execute a java script. Add the below code in the JavaScript window.

“ var email=””;
var player = GetPlayer();
var subject=”Results”;
var body_start=player.GetVar(“NumericEntry”);
body_text = body_start;
 var mailto_link=’mailto:’+email+’?subject=’+subject
+’&body=’+body_text;,’emailWin’); “

Trigger 2

In the above code, replace “” with a valid email id.

Step5: Publish your course and check the output.

In this way we can post our final quiz results (either in points or percent) to the trainer via email without an LMS setup.

Charlie Miller

Has anyone actually used the steps above from Vijay Kumar G. at to automate sending email results from Storyline without opening up an email window?  According to a comment on the posting site, this will not actually work until it is placed on an actual webserver.  I am developing content and will have to pass it on to a IT web tech to get it placed on our server just to even test it, and I'd love to know if anyone else has done this yet.



Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Charlie,

I can't speak to the steps Vijay shared, but you mentioned you'll need your IT team to place this on the web server for testing - and not knowing your environment, I also wanted to share a few other free web server options you may be able to use for testing. 

Hope that if someone has used Vijay's information they're able to chime in here as well! 

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