Normal to Disabled state is not working correctly

Mar 10, 2019

I am really stuck right now.

The company I am working for gave me a template from a former freelancer, who made a memory game in Storyline360. I changed the text behind the cards without a problem. Now, I wanted to add the company logo on top of the cards, and this is where the problems begin. I added the company logo into the "normal" state. 


For whatever reason, when you preview the slide and play the game, the logo appears when it turns into the disabled state, which it shouldn't. Because of this, the card is not legibile when you click it.

For half of them, it worked when I made the background of the disabled state white. For the other half of the cards, this did not work, and when you click the card it shows the company logo even though it should not. And for the life of me, I can't figure out what the difference is between the cards where it works and the cards where it doesn't.


Please. Help. It is driving me crazy.

For privacy purposes  I switched out the Company logo with a character, but the same problem remains. 

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