Objects aligned to Cue Point don't move when Cue Point moved

May 21, 2019

Have several objects aligned to appear at a cue point (sans trigger) but it appears that when I adjust the timing of the cue point, the objects snapped to that cue point don't follow - is that expected behavior?  I know I could create a trigger for every object to appear at that cue point, but with a large number of objects on the screen that need to appear in concert with the audio (which may change), aligning to the cue point seemed most obvious.  

On a side note - can we align object disappearances with cue points?  I don't see how to do that.

7 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Those are great questions, Jenn!

When you move a cue point on the timeline, any object aligned to that cue point will not move. You'll have to re-align that object to the new cue point placement. 

To align object disappearances to a cue point, you would need to manually click-and-drag the end of the object on the timeline to the cue point. 

Let me know if that makes sense! 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Jenn, 

Happy to pass that idea along to our team! If you have other ideas, we love to hear them and you can always submit those here on our feature request form. 

For your second question - there isn't a way to set a time element based off a cue point. I'm thinking through a couple of ways to set something up, but it would help to see your project in action (or even a mock-up of what you imagine)! Can you share the .story file here with us? 

Jenn Klug

Thanks, Ash.  I think what I'm looking for is to be able to anchor subsequent cues/triggers as offsets from other cue points so that if something needs to occur at a specific time after a cue.  For example, if I need Cue B to occur at Cue A + X seconds, but I need to be able to move Cue A around, Cue B would also move so I don't have to readjust everything on the timeline.  This is more about animation (either in or out) rather than interaction, which is why I didn't want to use triggers, but I guess that is the best current solution!

The use case for me is that I have a legacy eLearning module created in PowerPoint with Studio 13 and I've imported into Storyline; I'm trying to do as little work as necessary to update and republish this eLearning with some audio changes (which is why I'd like to be able to easily move objects linked to cue points) ... if I had the opportunity to re-create from scratch in Storyline, I would architect how everything is done much differently, but c'est la vie!

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