Office 2013 Email Template for Online Course

Feb 03, 2016

Hi, I'm looking for an Office 2013 Outlook Email Template to use in a scenario-based online course. The idea is the inbox will present to the user and as each email is clicked and read, the user will make a decision on how to respond or what action to take.

Does anyone have something like this to share with the community? Thank you in advance!

3 Replies
Christie Pollick

Hi, Bonnie -- Many thanks for reaching out with your question! Do you happen to have a project already started? You may want to upload here in the thread so the community can give you some ideas based on what you've already built.

And this challenge, Desktop and Office Theme Designs in E-Learning #5, may not be exactly what you have in mind, but perhaps the contributions offered there may get you moving in the right direction! 

I also wanted to mention, this question would be a great one to post over in our design-related Building Better Courses forum, as well. Best of luck with your project! :)

Bonnie Beenken

Thank you, Christie and Leslie. I did add my question to the Building Better Courses forum, but no response, yet.

FYI, this is what I included, in case either of you have further thoughts.

I found the inspiration here:

Outlook demo:

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