On which screen does Storyline start?

Aug 28, 2019

You may not have noticed this, I didn't for the longest time, but when you launch Storyline 3 (the version I use), which ever screen (I have three) your cursor is on is the screen Storyline will appear. You have about 4 or 5 seconds after you click to position your mouse. 

I wish I could say I figured this out myself, but it was an intern who was helping us out for the summer who casually mentioned this to me. 

3 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

LOL! I already shared it with the team, Charles, but since we've had limited reports of this issue (only you) it's still in the pile for the team to investigate. Here's a look at how we prioritize bugs once we report them. 

I'll keep you posted here once I know more, hopefully that gives you time to adjust! 

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