Out of 8 iconclick buttons any 4 iconclick button needs to be clicked to activate the next button.

Jul 09, 2022


In articulate storyline, in slide 1 there is a scenario of 8 icon click buttons, out of the 8 icon click buttons any 4 icon click buttons need to be clicked to activate the next button. It's not mandatory to click all 8 icon click buttons, but any 4 icon click buttons need to be clicked to activate the next button.

Button 1 on slide 1: When the icon click button 1 is clicked it will jump to slide 2, after clicking the next button on slide 2 it should go back to slide 1.

Button 2 on slide 2: When the icon click button 2 is clicked it will jump to slide 3, after clicking the next button on slide 3 it should go back to slide 1.

This is the process for all the other buttons. 

For Eg: If Button 1 is clicked 4 times continuously it activates the next button. This should not happen. This issue is for all the buttons.

So how do write triggers for such kind of scenario? If anybody has such triggers implemented, please share that would be helpful. Please check the video uploaded below for more understanding. 

5 Replies
Ginger Swart

Hi Santos!

You can use variables and conditions on triggers to make this work as described in your post. I’ve attached a sample file that shows this. 

I’ve setup two different types of variables for this. The first is a number variable that keeps track of how many slides have been visited. I have triggers on each of the slides that add to that variable when the timeline starts with a condition that only lets that happen if the slide hasn’t been visited already. My second type of variable is a true/false one that tracks rather the slide has been visited or not. Folks can click the buttons to visit the slides as much as they want to but only the first visit counts toward the total. It's important to note that the order of the triggers is important here. The trigger that adds value to the number variable needs to come before the trigger to change the true/false variable. 

On my main slide, the next button is disabled on timeline start and there’s a trigger to enable that button when the timeline starts only if the condition is met that the number variable is greater than or equal to 4. 

Hope that helps! Let us know if you have any questions. 

Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Santos.

Thank you for sharing the .story file!

Since you are using layers (Showing/Closing), the timeline doesn't re-start, so the trigger "When the timeline starts" doesn't execute.

My suggestion is to start the Next Button (slide02_next) in the disabled state, then change it back to Normal when your variable Numberofvisits changes, if it is higher or equal to 2:

trigger panel - when the variable changes

I'm attaching the edited file with my suggestion.

I hope this helps!