Override New 'Next' Button Restriction Logic?

Aug 09, 2017

Hey everyone,

I'm loving the fact that Articulate has updated the Restricted Menu logic to separate the menu and 'next' button restrictions, as well as including a disabled state on the 'next' button by default.

As before, the Restricted buttons are disabled on the first viewing until the timeline on the slide ends. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like I'm able to override this logic on specific slides where, for example, I need users to click through some items before the Next button is enabled.  

On interactive slides where users have to click on 2-3 icons to read more information, I am no longer able to tie the Next button states to those shapes. I usually attach a true/false variable to each icon, set each variable to TRUE when the user clicks the relevant icon, and then change the Next state to Normal when all of the variables are true.

Unfortunately, the new buttons seem to completely ignore my state change logic on the next button. The new functionality doesn't let me a) keep the next button disabled if the timeline ends and the user hasn't clicked all the icons, or b) enable the next button before the timeline ends if the user clicks through quickly.  It seems like the timeline is the only thing that can control the Next button with the new update.

Is there any way to get around this? Are there any updates to the new logic that will let me override the timeline tie when I deem appropriate?


10 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hey Amanda!

Glad to hear that you are overall liking the new feature. We were happy to implement this one.

As for your question, you want to be sure to set your course up as explained here if you are going to utilize the Prev/Next buttons sometimes.

Feel free to share your .story file if you'd like me to take a look and just point me to the problematic slide(s).

Amy Lewis

Interesting, I was building a sample file to show what I meant, and the functionality seems to be working in it. But it doesn't work in my original file. I wonder if it has to do with which version of Storyline I used to build each - the sample file is built with the latest release that comes with the updated functionality, but the original was built with an earlier release of SL360 before this update was made.

Anyway, it seems to be working with the new file. I can create a trigger to manually set the Next button to disabled if any of my variables are false, which seems to successfully override the timeline tie. I'll try rebuilding the triggers in my original file to see if that fixes the issue.

Jacqueline Justice

Overall project menu is restricted.  I can get the next button to appear active on slide prior to the timeline ending, however clicking the next button will not advance to the next slide until the timeline ends?  Can the project menu be restricted but yet allow clicking on the next button before the audio timeline ends?  Some users can read faster than the audio.  Any suggestions?  

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Jacqueline!

Restricted navigation means learners can view the current slide and any slide they previously viewed, but they can't jump ahead or skip over slides using the course menu. They also must remain on the slide until the timeline ends. 

Can you tell me more about why you would want to restrict the player menu, but also allow learners to have free navigation using the next button?

Bob O'Donnell

Just reading through the thread as we recently built something similar to Amy & Jacqueline. Thought I could jump in and give Alyssa an answer. Our client wanted their menu restricted so the user would go through the course a slide at a time. However, on certain slides they could skip the content and jump to the next slide immediately. For example, we have a navigation screen that appears in several courses. Once you've seen this as a student you really don't need to ever see it again. So on that slide we placed a trigger to set Next to normal as soon as the timelines starts allowing someone that's been through another course to simply skip the navigation instructions and move on.

Several slides in our courses have content the user must see, others do not. That's where the duel learner navigation control comes in to play. Once any mandatory content is checked off, Next is turned back on. Working in 360.

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