Passing Storyline Variable In URL

Dec 01, 2014

I'm trying to pass a Storyline variable in the Jump to URL/File trigger. Is that not possible? I enter the domain and variable parameter in the Jump to URL/File trigger but the variable name never changes to the actual value.

For example, I enter:

%ID% should be the value but it remains %ID%. Same with %score%.

If that's not possible, how can I create a button in Storyline that passes variables to a PHP or ASP page?

6 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Ashley,

We don't support tracking or reporting variables to a database, but I hope that someone in the community is able to assist you and provide some suggestions. In the meantime, you may want to use the search feature at the top of the Heroes forums (look for the magnifying glass on the right hand side) to see if there are similar threads that fit your needs.

Best of luck with your project!

Darren Heath

I grabbed something that was posted in one on the dynamic certificate examples that was shared on the forums.

Take a look here

This uses a simple bit of JS and Ive created a basic ASP page with a QueryString to pull the value of what is entered in the text box in the Storyline output

You could take this and enhance the script to pull all the variables you need

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