Pause/play without using the seekbar

Sep 10, 2012

Is there any way to include a pause/play button in the player without using the seekbar? (I don't want to use the seekbar because it allows for users to skip part of the course by clicking on the seekbar.) I want to have a button together with the other buttons in the player, instead of making a customized pause/play button on each slide.

32 Replies
Kevin Thorn

As for the default functions of the Storyline player, Bruce is correct that the Play/Pause in integrated with the seekbar. All or nothing. That said I think it would be a great feature request to have the option to have just the Play/Pause separate from the seekbar. You can submit the idea here >

There is however a way you can do it today. You'll have to give up the Next/Prev buttons default the player as well. The idea is to develop your own navigation bar. For the Next/Prev buttons you can put those on the Master Slide and set them to advance to the 'next slide' or 'previous slide.'

For the Play/Pause buttons, simply add triggers to 'Play Media (audio file) when user clicks.' Also, "Pause Media (audio file) when user clicks." I'd also add a few pixels to the overall height of your slide to accommodate the buttons without losing to much screen real estate. It's a bit of work because you'll need to have those buttons on every slide. The Next/Prev buttons on the Master slide do one thing - advance or go back so it will work globally. Play/Pause however triggers specific audio files depending on the slide so they'll need to trigger that slide's audio file.

Hope that helps.

Heather Emerick

Hi everyone.  

@Kevin Thorn-  This is a great solution.  Question- I'm trying to add this to each layer (a pain in the butt).  I can get the layer's audio to stop but there are objects that appear in the timeline on the layer.  My play/ pause button on the layer stops the audio file but not the timeline.  Any suggestions?  The client is adamant that there has to be a play/ pause button everywhere (important for his industry) AND that the participants can't scroll through without seeing everything (eliminating my ability to use the built in pause button since I can't have the seekbar).  

DISA Communications

Julie Anne Fox said:

Hello everyone. I was able to minimize at least the scrolling part of the seek bar by setting all its colours to white. There is still a little line that I cannot get rid of though....

Actually, one step further... I changed all colors of the seekbar to match the player colors (with the exception of the play/pause/replay button) and it disappears! The ability to fast forward through the page is still there, but the visual cue to do so goes away.

Steve Flowers

If you don't mind editing a little XML you can turn off the clickable seekbar indicator while leaving on the Play button and replay button. Pretty easy. 

Navigate to your published directory and dig into your story_content folder. You'll see a bunch of files.

  • Find the frame.xml file. 
  • Search the file for all of the occurrences of seekbar in the file. For each one, look back on the line or the line before for an element that contains a player configuration. This setting is configurable by the specific navigation combination. On mine, I changed the seekbar="true" to seekbar="false" within the element with attribute "prevnextnosubmit1111100111". 

Presto! The seekbar element is gone. You could change them all but I think something will go wrong if you exclude the first one. My published story wouldn't load. Worked great by changing within a player configuration node. 

There's another secret magic way to deactivate the seekbar that will only work in the Flash based output. I may post about this one over the weekend with a widget and example if I get some time

Stephanie Jackson

Steve, thanks for sharing. That worked great for viewing on the web and flash, but the seekbar is still showing on mobile devices. Do you know how to alter the code so it won't show there? I don't understand why it's happening b/c I changed all seekbar values from "true" to "false" -- do you think I might have missed one?

Emily Hale

Amy Abdallah said:

Julie Anne Fox said:

Hello everyone. I was able to minimize at least the scrolling part of the seek bar by setting all its colours to white. There is still a little line that I cannot get rid of though....

Actually, one step further... I changed all colors of the seekbar to match the player colors (with the exception of the play/pause/replay button) and it disappears! The ability to fast forward through the page is still there, but the visual cue to do so goes away.

Rather than changing all the colors, I changed the transparency to 100% for the seekcontrol features bg, border, seek-bg, seek-border, seek-position. No lines remain...just wish we could disable the ability to seek altogether while keeping the pause and re-load features. Have requested also, and look very forward to an update. When?!

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