Play music accross slides / for scene

Jun 20, 2016

Hi all,

I have found some threads for this topic from 3 / 4 years ago. Has there been a solution implemented in Storyline already? I would like to add a music file to be played accross various slides or one scene. The slides already have differen layers so it is not possible to add all those slides into one and work with differen layers (to play the music for 1 slide only). Also I do not want to add the music to the complete course as background music.


Any solution for this which does not take me ages to implement it?

Thanks and regards Lilian

3 Replies
Christie Pollick

Hi, Lilian -- Thanks for your question! In addition to the suggestion Matthew shared, I thought I might also pass along a few discussions on a similar topic that may be of interest:

Lilian Sigl

Hi Matthew, Hi Christie,

thanks for your answers. But it does not really help to solve my issue.

I do not want to have music playing accross the complete WBT since I have also speaker text on some slides. I want to play music only accross selected slides or a scene. Also e.g. I want to play music during the quiz (various questions from the question bank). If the user submits the answer we have the note if the question was correct or incorrect and even there the music on this one slide stops. Also I would like to have the music playing without interruption for all questions.

For another case I have various slides where it is not possible to have those slides in different layers since I have already various layers in the respective slides. I know also how to loop music, but as of I know this is only possible for 1 slide and not accross various slides.

So there is still no solution for this issue, correct? I have requested this feature now, but I wonder why this has not been implemented for min. of 4 year of discussions in the forum! Well lets see if we get this feature in near future hopefully!

If anyone has another solution for me I am happy to get your information! ;-)

Thanks Lilian


Christie Pollick

Hi, Lilian -- Thank you for the additional information and for noting that you have submitted a feature request for this functionality. Unfortunately, I do not have any additional information to share on if this function will be offered in the future, but I did want to pass along this blog post on our Feature Request Process to hopefully shed a bit more light. 

And aside from the suggestions shared above, I am not aware of a method you could use to achieve what you have described, but you may want to consider reaching out in our Building Better Course forum for additional insights, as well. 

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