Player Issues

Apr 22, 2015

Hi! I am in the process of developing an elearning course in storyline. In the player settings the moment I am changing the menu option to locked/restricted, the slides are not progressing in my published course on the preview section. There is also a pop up box 'An action script error has ocurred'.

Can anyone help?

1 Reply
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Sauptik,

In Articulate Storyline 1, restricted and locked navigation settings only affected the menu. In contrast, the navigation settings in Articulate Storyline 2 affect both the menu andthe player buttons, making it much easier to control the overall navigation for your course. To learn how to restrict or lock navigation in Storyline 2, see this article. 

In regards to the "action script" error - you're seeing that in preview, publish? Are you testing the published output locally? You'll want to follow the steps here in terms of testing your content

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