Playing same sound file automatically and on trigger

Mar 20, 2013

I've set up some slides so that a sound file plays automatically. I then want users to be able to click on an image on the slide so the same sound file plays again. I tried to do this by having the sound file on the slide singularly and then applying a trigger to it. When I do that it only works on the trigger but doesn't play automatically. As a work-around I've copied the sound file so that it is on the slide twice and applied a separate trigger to it. That works fine. However, if a user is impatient the automatic sound file can still be running whilst they press the trigger for the same sound file to play and they run at the same time making it hard to understand the sound file. Is there a way of structuring the trigger so that the sound file only runs if the automatically played one has finished? Apologies if I haven't explained that very well!

13 Replies
Paolo Pini

Hi Mike

Thanks for your reply. I can't do what you say because I already have a background sound file which runs as soon as the time line starts (I've attached a sample slide to explain). On my lion slide I have a sound file of a lion roaring which starts as soon as the time line starts. When the roaring sound file finishes another sound file starts automatically and this says 'un lion' in French. That all works fine. I've also set up a trigger so each time a user clicks on the picture of the lion it repeats the phrase 'un lion'. However this is going to be used by young kids (4 to 8 years old) and they are not always patient so they will click on the lion whilst the automatic version of 'un lion' is still playing. When you do that both sound files run at the same time but out of sync so you cannot hear them properly. That's what I'm trying to rectify / avoid. 

Paolo Pini

I think I'm doing something wrong when I create the variable. When I use the variable you created (LionRoar) on any of my slides it works correctly. However, if I use a variable I create it doesn't work. When I create a variable I give it a name, select True/False for the Type and select True for the Value option. Maybe that is where I am going wrong? As a work around I'm continuing to use your LionRoar variable and that seems to be working fine. Sorry for being a pain!

Mike Enders


I started the LionRoar off with "False" as the default value.

When I use True False variables, I find it helpful to think of a particular action... "has it happened yet?".  At the start of a course the answer is "false, it hasn't happened".  Then, when the action does occur, it switches to "true, it has happened".

So in the case of your project, we start the variable off as "False, the Media hasn't yet completed"  Once the Media does complete, then we switch the variable to "True, the media has completed", so now the condition is met and the other audio file can be played when the learner clicks the lion.

I hope this helps!

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