Post Quiz review lay-out

Aug 18, 2015

Dear all,

I have some problems with the post-quiz-review. I figured out how to show a layer with some tabels, but I also would like to decide were you see what.... as you can see in the attached document, the lay out of the right answer is almost never the same and I don't like the position eather. I tried to figure it out with the master review option, but I really don't understand the way that works... :-(




8 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Tineke! Thanks for sharing. It looks like some editing must have been done post application of feedback layer as none of them match the feedback layer. I would advise that you edit the feedback layer to the location/size that you wish to have, then re-apply the layout to your slide layers as applicable.

I do see the difference, but if I re-apply the slide layer, it looks like the master feedback layer as expected.

Tineke Porschen

Oh dear Leslie,
thank you for the answer - but I really don't no how to edit the feedback layer. Do you mean I have to make the image smaller? Editing the master feedback I find really hard to do. Is there a tutorial? Because when I open the master FB, I see so much slides - I don't no how to use them and put them in my Story.

Pfoe, hope you understand my terrible English - but I am getting to learn Storyline very well, but the feedback has many secrets for me.

Tineke Porschen

Oh dear Kelly,
thank you for the answer - but I really don't no how to edit the feedback layer. Do you mean I have to make the image smaller? Editing the master feedback I find really hard to do. Is there a tutorial? Because when I open the master FB, I see so much slides - I don't no how to use them and put them in my Story.

Pfoe, hope you understand my terrible English - but I am getting to learn Storyline very well, but the feedback has many secrets for me..


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