Previous Publish Settings - Storyline 360

Jul 31, 2019

Can anyone tell me if there is a way to view previous publish settings for a Storyline output? Specifically, looking for Tracking/Reporting settings when publishing to LMS. From what I can tell, whenever I click back into "Publish" the "track by slides viewed" always resets to the full number of slides.

Generally I reduce the minimum slides viewed by about 10% to account for inadvertently missing a slide or two. We are having issues with a particular course not showing as complete for users in our LMS. I usually tell them to go back and click through again, but enough people have reached out with this issue that I wanted to check to see if I had forgotten to change the "slides viewed" setting when I published it.

1 Reply
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Kathryn,

If you're saving your course after publishing before you close it, the settings that you previously used to publish should remain.

I'm not sure where or if you can locate that information by digging into the published output, but I can see how that would be helpful for your scenario.

Be sure you are accommodating any branching requirements and that the required number of slides is at or below the lowest possible path.

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