Tracking completion by viewing last slide.

Feb 05, 2013

Looking for a way to track completion by viewing the last slide.

Ran into this issue with presenter, with some simple ppt based branching, some slides may not be viewed. 

This means the total slides viewed may vary by viewer (some content is corrective/remedial) 

Total # slides isn't an option 

In both storyline or Presenter, I'm looking for an option to tell the lame the module is complete if a particular slide is viewed.

Also, if I set completion based on # slides viewed, will a quiz score not be reported to LMS?

3 Replies
Alexander Covan

If you use branching in storyline, what is the total slides viewed calculated from?

I other words, is it actually counting the slides viewed from every branch ( 'optional' branches would make tracking by # slides comple impossible because of variability) or does it only track # slides from the original timeline?

Stephen Cone

From what I recall Storyline/Storyline marks a slide "viewed" when the timeline starts for each slide.  If you have a 30-slide presentation, and set the number of slides viewed to 29, then the user must viist 29 slides for the course to be marked complete.  There is no way to set dynamic value for number of slides viewed in storyline if you have extensive branching/hidden slides. 

The approach I typically take for these types of courses is one of the following:

  1. Add a variable to test for the completion of each "branch", and then prevent the user from navigating to the final slide until all the branches have been visited (if we care about the user seeing all of the content)
  2. Ignore the "Number of slides viewed" option and use pseudo-quiz/assessment at the end that the user has to interact with to mark the course complete.  There is a support article from Articulate that covers this approach

Good luck

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