Problem with 'incorrect layer' for the second attempt

Jan 14, 2015

I am using a quiz slide of articulate storyline with the standard correct, incorrect and try again layer. The number of possible attempts is two. When the user choses the wrong answer during the first attempt, the try again layer will show up. But when the user choses the wrong answer during the second attempt, I want the 'incorrect layer' to show up and when the user clicks continue I want him to jump to the next slide automatically. I added a trigger to jump to the next slide when the user clicks the 'submit' button and the attempt count is greater than or equal to two. This option works out, but in this case the 'incorrect layer' will not show up, because the user automatically jumps to the next slide. How is it possible to present the 'incorrect layer' to the user before jumping to the next slide? 

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