Problem with States

Oct 20, 2016

Hi all!

I'm currently struggling with a somewhat strange issue. I drew up a small menu, and once you hover over an icon, it takes you to a certain slide. Now, I have the states and triggers set to when you hover over the icon, it changes to let the users know they visited that area. The odd part is that it works perfectly well when I preview the slide, but when I preview the whole project, the trigger that changes the icon's state doesn't work. Any ideas as to how I can solve this?

Thanks so much!


8 Replies
Walt Hamilton

Here are the problems:

The way the triggers are set up, the jump to the slide occurs,and that cuts off the rest of the hover triggers. The trigger to change the state is never executed. Changing the order of those two triggers might solve the problem on a short-term basis, but there is a more subtle problem.

If an object has a state named Visited, there are built-in triggers that come with it. They change to the Visited state when a user clicks on the object. If the hover makes the change to the Visited state, you run the risk of the built-in Hover and Visited triggers conflicting with your triggers. A safer method is to use a variable that changes when the user finished the target page, and resets the state when they return to the contents page.

To further avoid danger of conflicts, It is best to custom state names with custom states.

Check out the attached version of your file. I put in a variable, and the triggers to make it function. I copied the Visited state and changed its name to Completed.


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