Problem with zip.file

Jul 25, 2023

Hello, I have a problem with zipping a storyline file.

The problem occurs with a colleague.
When she zips the file (for lms/lrs) - just like me, publish course and then zip in storyline.
For her the version does not work when she uploads it to lms. no error message, the new version is simply not uploaded.

When i zipped it myself  it works.

I noticed that her file has much more KB than mine (mine 7.921 KB / hers 14.320KB).

I have no idea why it is different for her than for me although she does everything the same. Are there any special zip options that might be set differently? has anyone ever had a problem like this and can help me out?

Kind regards

3 Replies
Luciana Piazza

Hi Tanja!

Thanks so much for reaching out. 

 Just to confirm, is your colleague using the latest version of Storyline 360? The latest release is Storyline 360 Update 78 (Build 3.78.30680.0). 

In the meantime, I'd like to share this article that walks you through publishing a course for LMS distribution. Perhaps it would be helpful to check that you both are selecting the same settings when publishing the same version of your project. 

If you're still having trouble, we'd be happy to take a closer look within a support case

Looking forward to hearing from you!