Problems with Slide Properties Selection in HTML5

Jan 31, 2013

It looks like the slide properties in the player template does not work well when viewed in HTML5 (in Storyline).

If you uncheck the menu option in the slide properties for the first slide all remaining slides thereafter will not display the menu even if other slides menu option has been selected. This is also the case with the next, previous and seek bar. It looks like the properties of the first slide overwrite properties for all other slides in the module.  This is only happening when viewing in HTML5 as flash work well. For example: I’d like to display my first slide without any menu or control options. Once I get to my second slide, I’d now like to display the side panel and the controls. So in Storyline I am able to select slide properties for each slide independently (menu, seek bar, next button, etc.) In flash this works well. In HTML5, my second slides still does not  display my menu and controls although menu/control options have been checked….After some testing, it looks like this is because the selection options for my first slide overwrites my second slide.

Any ideas why this happens in HTML5??? Am I missing something?


21 Replies
Christine Hendrickson

Hi Rahmat,

I just tested this on my iPad with a course and I didn't run into this issue.

You can take a look at the test file I created using the link below:

What publishing options are you selecting, in addition to HTML5? Are you uploading to a web server, or LMS? 

Are you viewing the content in Safari? If so, try to make sure private browsing isn't enabled

Let me know how it goes!


Rahmat Costas

Hi Christine,

Thanks for your reply.  Very ineresting. Not working for us. We are viewing this locally using the HTML5 folder as well as via an LMS (same result). Private Browsing isn't enabled. Can you tell me what your Browser settings in the player properties are ( Browser size, payer size). This might be the probem.



Christine Hendrickson

Hi Rahmat,

Did the file I linked not work for you when you viewed it on the iPad, or do you mean your file still isn't working on the LMS? Sorry, I should've shared the file I used to test with you earlier. Thankfully, I still have it! I'm attaching it now, if you'd like to test it on your LMS. 

Can you let me know if that file works properly for you, please?


Rahmat Costas

Hi Christine,

Your works. Our does not for some reason.

I have attached the LMS and Storyline Package as well for you to look at...

When opening the HTML5 version (index_lms_html5.html), the player features of all slides revert to those of slide 1, regardless of individually set player features. In the attached example, the opening slide is set to have “custom player features”, specifically no previous or next buttons, no seekbar, no notes, and no menu. The next slide is set to “player defaults”, which includes previous and next buttons, seekbar, notes, and menu. All of these features will appear initially when slide 2 starts, but they will disappear after a few seconds.


Christine Hendrickson

Hi Rahmat,

I'm sorry I took so long to get back to you. I've looked at the file and tried adjusting everything I can think of, but it just doesn't seem to want to play nice in HTML5. Every other method I used to view it works properly. I tried removing the animations, sounds, adjusting the browser settings, etc., but no luck. It looks like it's changing at a specific point on the second slide - this is why I thought maybe one of the features on that slide was causing it to break. I've heard the opening audio track so many times I think I'll have it in my head for a few days

Would you mind submitting this to our technical department for further testing? Also, please share the case details with me so I can follow along. I'd really like to see what's causing this, as well. 

Sorry I wasn't able to find a fix for this, but hopefully our tech team can help us narrow it down.



Rahmat Costas

Hi Christine,

A quick update....We found that slide transitions is conflicting with HTML5 functionality and when selected was causing this issue described above. Once we un-selected slide transition, the slide properties worked well. Articulate has slide transition as working with HTML5. I think they should look into it further. We open a new ticket with support regarding this ....Case #00316850. Thanks.


Philip Zablocki

Hi Christine,

After speaking with support we found out the following steps resolve the issue.

1) Select slide 2

2) Go to the Animations tab

3) In the group called "Transitions to ThisSlide", select the first transition (No Transition)

4) Save your project and publish again

5) Test the HTML5 version

This is concerning as slide transitions was advertisedfunctionality of storyline.

This is troubling because we have invested in a number oflicenses for storyline, and we are encountering several issues and bugs withthe software.

How soon can we see resolution on this.



Christine Hendrickson

Good morning Philip. Welcome to the community!

I was able to find the case you referenced (#00316850 for my notes) this morning. I see that you spoke with our support staff on this. As they mentioned, our Quality Assurance team is currently aware of this issue and are working to resolve this as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, we don't have a time fame for a fix for this specific issue. I do apologize for the inconvenience, hopefully we'll see an update soon.


Peter Anderson

Hey all,

You may find that the player features are wrong for some slides in your course when both the following conditions are true:
*  Your course includes slide transitions.
*  You're viewing HTML5 output.
In this scenario, the correct player features usually appear for a brief moment, and then they change to match the player features from the previous slide. This issue was corrected in Update 3 for Storyline. Please review the following article for more information:
Katie Mohamed

I've got the Storyline 3 Update and have selected no transition for all of my slides. I'm still getting a pause in between each slide when publishing through HTML5 only to the iPad.

Could one of the problems be that I am using a button within the slide to advance to the next screen instead of the next button?

Are there any recent updates or ideas to resolve this problem?

Christine Hendrickson

Hi Katie,

It shouldn't make a difference if you're using a trigger, or the player's "Next" button, but it probably wouldn't hurt to test this. Have you tried swapping it out and seeing if you experience the same delay with the "Next" button?

It's possible it might be an issue with the file, at least that's the impression I get from your description.

Please try creating a new, blank Storyline file and import the existing slides into the new project. The tutorial here can walk you through the steps for importing from one course into another. 

If that doesn't help, are you able to share the .STORY file with us here, or send it to us privately?


Christine Hendrickson

Hi Katie!

Super Hero Juice™ is not sold in stores, I'm afraid! :) We're trying to restock, but it's in high demand :D

Thanks for trying that out, I'm glad to hear that you were able to see an improvement after changing it. Now, to find out why using a custom navigational button is causing a pause in the course. 

For the triggers you're using on the custom button, are you specifying the slide, or are you just using the default "Jump to" + "Next slide"?

Again, I'd be happy to check out the file, if you can share it, either here or in a case.


Christine Hendrickson

Hi Katie!

I apologize for the delay - I'm afraid I didn't see your last response until now. I was just checking on the case, actually, and came back to see if you were able to try the suggestions Jayem sent in his last response. 

Looks like he wasn't able to reproduce the issue on his end, through testing. 

I'll take a look as well and see if I find anything.

In the meantime, if you could try the suggestions he sent, I'd appreciate it.

Thank you!


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