Publish to HTML5 only

Sep 09, 2013

Hi there,

I was wondering if there is a way that the IMS Manifest file (For a SCORM 1.2 published story file) can be manipulated after publishing so that the ONLY play option is HTML5? i.e. even if the device that the content is being displayed on completely support the flash output it will ignore this and still play the html5 version only.

Interested to here what can (or can't) be done.

4 Replies
Michael Hinze

Looking at the code in the index_lms.html (NOT the manifest file) file I would replace this snippet:

   var g_biOS = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("AppleWebKit/") > -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mobile/") > -1);
   if (g_biOS && true)
    var strLocation = location.href.replace("index_lms", "index_lms_html5");

with this:

    var strLocation = location.href.replace("index_lms", "index_lms_html5");

This should ALWAYS call the html5 version. I did a quick test on scorm cloud and, unless I misunderstood what you are trying to do, it worked for me; no matter which browser or device I used I only see the HTML5 version.

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