Quiz and Freeform Slides NOT working on Ipad

Jan 17, 2013

I have created quiz and freeform slides in my storyline presentations, which my students access on their ipads.  I publish these stories as html 5.  However, my students cannot manipulate the quizzes on the Ipads, and oftentimes, the moveable freeform objects do not appear at all.  Please help.  

21 Replies
Peter Anderson

Hey Melanie!

I'm thinking that there may be an object somewhere in your content that had some transparency applied to it. Objects with transparency can interfere with drag items in HTML5 content, preventing you from clicking or dragging them. Are you aware of any objects that may have had some transparency applied to them? I very quickly went through one trouble slide and didn't notice any, but thought I'd check with you first before doing a more thorough investigation...


Mario Fonseca

Is there a solution for these problem? I have a quiz made of questions built using two methods: Insert slides->quizzing and freeform. Questions involving drag and drop don't work on Ipad and  I cannot use Articulate Player since I am using the quiz through a LMS (moodle) since I get the "cannot access content" message.

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Mario!

Do you get the same issue if you test your content in SCORM Cloud? This is the best way to tell if there is an issue with the content or your LMS.

If you are able to replicate, can you share some additional information as to the actual issue you are having and perhaps share your .story file for us to take a look at?

Mario Fonseca

Here follows the story file. It is just a test.  The problematic questions are 1.4, 1.5 e 1.6. To make easier to test, I have numbered the bars that must be ordered (1.4) and placed an arrow showing the answers (1.5 and 1.6). The problem occurs when running the test. The score is wrong and if you revise the answers you will see the problem. I am not complaining that the score is not reflected on the LMS. 

This occurs only running in HTML5. After having the problem on the iPad, I have changed the index_lms.htm file as follows (just commented out the if lines as below (Sorry if there is an easier way to do this):

   var g_biOS = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("AppleWebKit/") > -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mobile/") > -1);
   var g_bAndroid = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Android") > -1);
   //if ((g_biOS || g_bAndroid) && true)
    var strLocation = location.href.replace("index_lms", "index_lms_html5");

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Mario!

Let me first mention that replying to the forums via e-mail attaches your signature, but you are welcome to pop in and edit if needed.

I am able to see the issue that you are reporting when taking courses via iPad and I am able to replicate the behavior in a new file.

I will get discuss this with our QA Team.

If you utilize the Submit button, this works on the iPad as expected.

Christine Walker

Hi!  I'm subscribing to see if there is a solution to the above mentioned issue.  I recently developed a course in Storyline 2 that has a freeform drag and drop interaction slide.  It's working fine on a desktop, but using Android/Chrome, was slow to drag items and because of that issue, could not match item to select submit and complete the course.  The same issue arose when using iPhone 4/Safari.


Christie Pollick

Hi all,

I wanted to provide an update here, as Storyline 2 Update 8 was just released, and included a number of fixes which you can see in the release notes available here. The item you all may be particularly interested in is how it fixed the issue where questions would be scored incorrectly when submitting answers all at once in HTML5 output. You can download the latest update here, and after downloading and installing the latest update you’ll want to republish any existing content to ensure that the updates and fixes are applied.

Let us know if you have any questions, either here or by reaching out to our Support Engineers directly.

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