Quiz in Storyline 360

Mar 09, 2017


I´m building a course with a Quiz that the learner can choose to take it at anytime at the course. The quiz will cover the six modules and etch module have a question bank with 6 questions. What we want is that the quiz to shuffle and picks out 2 questions from the banks. When you take the quiz you just answer the questions without feedback or direkt answer. At the end we want like "you got 8/12" and a overview of what questions where wrong so you can go to that question to se what the right answer is. Is it to advanced? Do somebody have something similar or know where to look and can share it? 

11 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi Sabina!

This is definitely possible with Storyline 360. You can start with this tutorial on how to set up the six question banks, and then follow this tutorial to draw 2 questions from each bank. Since you mentioned you do not want to provide feedback, you can adjust the feedback setting to "none."

At the end, you'll need a results slide to display the total points scored with a Review Quiz button to allow the learner to go back and see what the correct answers are. 

Hopefully that'll get you started, and once you get a rough draft, feel free to share it here! We'd be happy to help you with the set-up. 

Sabina Nunez

Hi again,

It really helped with all links. I have managed to do everything, but now I want the results page to be able to find out how many of the 12 questions is correct. I attached a picture so you can see what I want. I have seen others do with % or give a feedback but that is not what I want.

Right now I can go back and see what was wrong and what is right, or if you want to redo the entire quiz and get all right.

I hope you can help me with this problem.

Best regards 


Sabina Nunez

I tried this before and it doesn't work. It looks like this now. 

Is there also a way to have "numberanswered" though you have 6 asked banks to pull out two questions from each and create a quiz of 12 questions? I want the Quiz to be dynamic and the learner can keep track of how many questions they answered out of 12 questions. 

Best regards 


Alyssa Gomez

Hi there Sabina! It could be that you're using a slightly different variation of the %Results.ScorePoints% variable. If you open your variables window, do you see that variable listed there? 

Can you tell me a bit more about your "numberanswered" idea? Where would the learner see this number? Would it be used to indicate which question the learner is on?

Sabina Nunez

Yes I have the variable in place but it still ain`t  working. I don't understand what i'm doing wrong... 

What I mean with the "numberanswered" is that when you take the Quiz you know it´s 12 questions every time. When you get your first question i`ll see in the corner (1/12 ) and when you answer the question and the next one comes up it says (2/12) and  the next (3/12) and so on until the last question.

Alyssa Gomez

Ah, I see what you mean. Thanks for clarifying that. Would you be able to share your original project file here? That way, we can help straighten out the trouble you're having with the points variable, and the community can make suggestions on a question counter. You can attach your file here in the thread by using the ADD ATTACHMENT button. Thanks!

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