Quiz result summary for incorrect answers

Oct 04, 2022

Hi everyone! I'm newer to all this so I'm not fully sure of what is possible and what isn't in Articulate. I'm stuck again, this time on the results section of my project.

Here is what I've tried: I've currently got it set up with 46 freeform hotspot questions. When I used the review feature for the questions it didn't show what answer is selected or what the correct answer is. They also have to scroll through 46 slides which seems excessive to me and they have to keep track of what they missed or further study manually.

Here is what I want to do: I'd like to eliminate using the review feature all together and just list the items they need to study further on the result slide. I'm thinking I can somehow do that by identifying if they are right or wrong (if I can't use something that already exist, since the review slides know which are right and wrong), using variables to name each slide the correct answer, then somehow figuring out how to display those names on the results slide.

I've attached part of the self-check below so you can see where I am at currently and what I've been doing. A few of the triggers and buttons don't work since I didn't include the slides they are associated with. I've looked at several of the discussions but didn't see one where someone was listing only the correct answers for the incorrect slides on a result slide.

Any suggestions would help, thanks so much!

2 Replies
Joanne Chen

Hi YY,

You can use the T/F variable for each question to detect if the question is incorrect and add buttons in the result slide to link to the slide you want. I mocked up the first three questions with your file. Below are the steps:

  1. Create T/F variables for each question and set the default value to True.
  2. Adjust the T/F variable to be False on the incorrect layer so that when users got the question wrong, you can use the variable in the result slide.
  3. Create buttons for each question and set the initial state to be hidden. Change the state to be normal when the timeline starts the slide if the related variable is False. So that users can only see what they got wrong and be able to link to further information/slides they need.