Quiz results column modification

Oct 12, 2020

Hello heroes,
I have the following problem with Storyline 360, I cannot find how to modify the name of the columns that contain the quiz revision (attached.
I need to modify, for example, the name of the column "Student answer" by "your answer".

Thanks in advance

2 Replies
Russell Killips

Hello Marcos,

In order to do this, you will need to modify the report.html file. After publishing your course, you will find the file inside of the story_content folder.

At around line 128, there is a line of code: studentAnswer: 'Student Answer',

You will need to change it to: studentAnswer: 'Your Answer',

I have attached a new report.html file where I made this change for you.

After publishing your course, replace the report.html file with this one.

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