Quiz showing Correct answers as Incorrect upon revisitng

Jul 13, 2018

I have created a course and this quiz is part of it. My quiz has a Base Layer and 4 different layers with 4 questions on those layers. I have used radio buttons to select the correct answer from each layer. I added another layer where if they click the submit button, they will be redirected towards Correct layer or Incorrect layer based upon the radio buttons selected.

In the first attempt, if they chose correct answers on all 4 layers, they are redirected towards "Correct" layer. The problem comes when they answer questions incorrectly in the first attempt and they try again. Even though the answers are correct in the second attempt, it is still showing "Incorrect" layer.

Based on the forums, I changed the settings to "Resume Saved State" but it is still showing Incorrect even though the answers are correct on the second attempt.

I am completely stuck and any help will be appreciated. Thanks!

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