Recording the "tab" key in software simulation

Jun 06, 2014

I need a hero!

The software system I'm trying to simulate has many text fields. I want to teach my learners to use the Tab key instead of the mouse to move between them. But, I can't seem to figure out how to record this Tab action in Test Mode. 

Does anyone else here know how to do that? Or should I just instruct them to use the mouse for "training purposes only," (since it can create the hotspot)?


1 Reply
Christine Hendrickson

Hi Lindsay,

There's a couple of options, I believe. For example, you could manually create the captions and triggers for the "Tab" button, but the downside is that you may actually be interacting with other elements in the web browser, Flash player, etc. with the Tab key.

I personally think your idea of asking learners to use the mouse for the course is the best idea. Throw in the "Tab" function as a tip that will make the process easier for them - and that should stay fresh in their minds. A lot of learners like to know the long way, but then see that there's a neat little trick to make things easier, even if it's the method that's the most common :)

Just wanted to share my feedback. Would love to see suggestions from others!

Best of luck and have a great Friday,


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