Removing or trimming objects outside the slide boundaries

Jun 08, 2021

I borrowed a slide created by a colleague. When I changed the size of a rounded rectangle to fit my text, the part of the rectangle that was off the slide is now visible in slide view. When published everything looks as it should, but slide view looks sloppy. Is there a way to hide or trim the parts of objects that bleed off slide ? See attached image for more specifics (want to trim/hide the part of the pink/purple rectangle that bleeds off slide)

Thanks in advance for any help or advice

1 Reply
Judy Nollet

Slide View shows all of the objects associated with a slide, including those that are placed off of the main slide area. That's because Slide View is used for editing, and the developer needs to see everything associated with the slide. 

If it bothers you that much to see an object spill into the area outside of the slide, you could create a "picture" of the shape you want (in this case, a rounded rectangle with the left edge straightened), and fill a rectangle shape with that picture.

Or you could insert an image of a rounded rectangle, crop it as needed, and then add a separate text box over it. 

To me, that seems like a lot of work just to have clean edges in Slide View. . .