Responsive design with storyline?,there is an option like media queries?

Jan 19, 2015

Hi, i am new to storyline, and web dev, there is an option in storyline like media queries? For example, change content on browser  window resize?


5 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Chr,

Storyline does not have a true "responsive design" set up, and so you'll want to look into the player size/browser size as Michael mentioned. Also, other users have shared their thoughts on responsive design and what they'd like to see in the form of a feature request - so I'd encourage you to do the same. 

Jerson  Campos

Hi Chr,

I've managed to create a responsive design by changing some of the html code in the story.html file that gets produced. It allowed me to have two different looking storyline courses. One would display on regular sized browsers and the other would display on smaller displays like phones.

How much do you know about CSS and HTML?


Chr Chr


sorry for the late answer,

if it’s not extremely advanced…

I would give it a try.

If i understood well.and page opens in users browser window size, it’s better than media queries isnt it?. Copying all published files( published for andoid, html and all available options) to server, the needed version will open correct?.

From the other hand, It could may be useful defining manually media queries in html (in a “simple” way) without breaking published code. I have not tried it yet in detail , but I will soon. For non experienced people in programming, a built in option for media queries could be useful, also a tutorial adding manually media queries using html and css could be useful too.

Storyline seems to cover most of my needs in e-learning , but as I already mentioned, I am new to storyline and I would like to experiment more with it.

thanks for your interest and your answers.

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