Results slide and making the user review

Jun 30, 2021

Hello heroes,

I am wondering if anyone could tell me a way to make the user review the quiz before proceeding on to the next slide? I have tried hiding the next button on the failure slide and then showing the next button once the review quiz button changes states to selected. I have tried adding a variable t/f that once the review quiz button has been selected changes to true and then when variable is true change state of next button to normal. Nothing I do works. I can hide the next button but I can not get it to return so they can proceed. Any help would be appreciated!

1 Reply
Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, David, and welcome to E-Learning Heroes! ✨

Thank you for reaching out!

One of our talented community members, Judy, recently answered a similar question:

 If your scenario is different or the steps offered don't work for you, I'm happy to take a look at your .story file to offer suggestions.