Results Slide not working

Nov 02, 2017

Hello hello!
It's been a long time since I've done quizzes and I thought I was doing ok until I realised that my results page is just not coming up

I'm not sure what I've done, I've tried searching for something similar that has happened and I'm not having much luck

Help me please

18 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi Anastasia,

Thanks for allowing me to take a peek at your file! 

Usually when you insert a result slide after a question bank, a trigger linking the two slides together will be added automatically. It's easy to accidentally delete that trigger, but fortunately it's also easy to fix!

I imported your question bank slides into a new file, added them to a new "Draw from Question Bank" slide, and added a new result slide. And voilà! Now it works. 🙂

Have a look at your updated file, and let me know if it's working for you, too!

Ren Gomez

Hi Aisha,

I'm sorry to hear that your submit button is not working! A few questions to dig deeper:

  • Is this in regards to a quiz question, or do you have a submit button on a results slide?
  • Is this is the built-in player submit button, or a custom submit button you created?

We'd be happy to take a look at screenshots of the slide or the trigger panel to help, but if you're in a bind, feel free to reach out to a support engineer and share your file so we can take a closer look!

Doris D

I had the same problem as Aisha A just yesterday when inserting generic Graded Questions slides for my quiz.  The Submit button did not even appear although I could see the Trigger for it.

The project was due yesterday so I just had to take the long way around and use new slides from the Content Library that showed the Submit button. :(   

Vincent Scoma

Hi Doris,

Thank you for reaching out and letting us know! 

Do you happen to recall if the submit button was a custom button, or was it using the built-in player button? If it was the built-in player button, it is possible that those slides were not including that button: 

I am sorry that you had to go the long route to accomplish this, but I am glad that you were able to find a solution.

If this does happen again, please let us know! You can also connect with our Support Engineers at any time here

IDEAS Articulate Guest account 2

I am having a similar problem too. I have 10 question quiz and a results slide for that quiz and after I answer the last question, that slide just buffers and does not move on to the results. I have checked that the trigger connects the quiz to the results. What could the problem be?

Adrienne Scott



I am having the same issue as IDEAS.  My results slide just buffers after responding to the questions.  My triggers are there but I don't often build quizzes in Storyline.  Please view the attachment to see the setup. I am not allowed to share the entire course.