Reusing a storyline course within another course

Mar 05, 2020

Hi all,
Any tips on how I can show an already built course within another course? 

I cant copy and paste the slides as the 'new' master course is larger than the previous 'resource' course and uses a particular master slide, so copying, pasting and re-jigging the content to fit the new course would also be a little awkward.

I've tried to link to the already built course as a web object in Review - fails. Unfortunately we don't have any web space anywhere.

Thanks all.

3 Replies
Vincent Scoma

Hi Steven,

Thank you for reaching out! 

I wanted to share a couple of ideas that I hope will help accomplish your design needs: 

Please let us know if you have any questions! 

Steven Croft

Thanks Vincent, yes I've imported to a new scene/slide but, again because the new 'master' is larger than the 'donor' SL scales up the imported content. Text goes from 14pt to 16.5pt and images scale up 118% too, so SL seems to try and match the destination size? Would be good for that not to happen....

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