Review quiz slide order

Jan 29, 2014

Hi everybody,

I made a quizz but the slide number are not chronoligical

question1  slide 1.1

question 2 slide 1.4

question 3 slide 1.2

question 4 slide 1.3

when I  review the quiz the order is not the question order but the slide order as follow

question1  slide 1.1

question 3 slide 1.2

question 4 slide 1.3

question 2 slide 1.4

Can you help me to reviw the quiz with the question order


4 Replies
Gonzalo Rosetti

Try dragging and dropping the slides into the desired order(according to the knowledge database)

If that doesn't work (it didn't work for me):

Duplicate the slides, reassigned them to the corresponding triggers and deleted the slides with the wrong order. Thus, you'll have the slide in the order they'll appear during the review.



Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi -

Are the questions within a question bank? Regardless during a review they should see the questions in the same order in which they answered them. Quiz slides and any slides won't be listed in number order in the menu or in your story view if you've moved or shuffled them around. You can look at using the "reset from story" button to modify how they're displayed in the menu. 

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