Review results

Jul 26, 2012


I'm doing a course and I added the option slide review for the questionary. The review was done well, but on reaching the last question, does not let you go next and do not know why? Someone can help me?

It's a Multiple Choice. Maybe I delete any layer that I need for this tigger... I don't now.


10 Replies
Carol Stirn

I am running into a similar issue.  I have a question bank set up to draw 3 questions.  When the user completes all 3 questions, gets to the Results page and clicks Review Results, it works fine except it keeps looping through the three questions and the user cannot get out of the questions by clicking Next.  I tried getting rid of the Review Results button, but if the user gets to the Results screen and clicks Previous to review the questions, it once again keeps looping through the questions when Next is clicked, even though there is an action to go to the Results slide when Next is clicked.  There must be some way to get out of the question bank and continue on with the course.  Any ideas would be appreciated!

Peter Anderson

Hi Carol

Thanks for sharing the file! So, I was able to replicate the issue with the looping review with your original file and it was driving me crazy thinking I was missing something obvious :) Eventually, I just imported it into a new story file and it works fine. It's hard to say why files can sometimes go a little wonky, but it's an easy fix. Have a look and let me know if you still experience the looping behavior. Thanks!

Carol Stirn

Hi Peter -

I imported the slides into a new file and that corrected the looping issue.  It did change the tabbing behavior on the slides I had customized to not show the left sidebar however.  For some reason, on these slides when I tab, the yellow rectangle is shifted to the right of all the objects on the slide (as if the sidebar is still there) instead of directly over them.  I am hoping this is fixable, it may just be another fluke from importing the slides as it worked fine in the original file.  As long as I know the looping issue is corrected, we can start a new file and hope the tabbing issue is corrected.  Thanks again for all your help!


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