Rise style forced watch video in Storyline

Apr 22, 2024

We created a demo project in Rise that includes a video that students must watch before proceeding to the next content item (i.e., scrubbing is disabled). Can anyone confirm is the functionality of available in Storyline? Currently, our solution is to have a video without player controls run, and once complete, a new layer with the same video that includes full player controls is revealed. The problem with this method is that students aren't able to access features such as 'full screen' view on the first play through.


3 Replies
Jose Tansengco

Hi Steven,

Happy to help!

One workaround that you can do is to place a transparent object on top of the video's seek bar that gets hidden as soon as the first playthrough of the video is completed: 

This setup will: 

  • Give your learners access to the full-screen button
  • Require them to watch the video from start to finish first, and then allow them to scrub through the video during succeeding viewings

I've attached a sample project file so you can check out this workaround in action. 

Let me know if you have any questions!

Steven Lee

Hi Jose,

Thanks for your reply. The main issue we are trying to address here is the ability to scrub backwards on first playthrough (but not forwards) as in Rise. We've also tried the transparent object before but when you open to full screen that transparent area is no longer in the correct position and you can scrub normally.

Luciana Piazza

Hi Steven, 

Thanks for that clarification! I appreciate you taking the time to share what you’d like to see. We currently have this logged as a feature request, so I’ll go ahead and include your voice. We’ll update this discussion if this feature makes it on our feature roadmap.

Have a wonderful start to your week!