Rotating Tire Animation

Apr 09, 2015

Hi everyone, I need to build an animation depicting a farm tractor in the foreground and a farm scene in the background. I need to animate the tractor moving from left to right and the front and back tires rotating one complete turn. The teaching point is the difference in distance traveled relative to the size of the tire. After reviewing tutorials, I am thinking of using a motion path triggered by a button although not sure how address the rotating tires. Am I on the right track and does anyone have suggestions?


7 Replies
Parashuram Vhaval

Hi Phil,

To rotate tire image, you can add spin animation to it and extend its duration to max (I guess 59 sec. is max, but not sure) for this you need to have to crop your image of tire in perfect square so that it will rotate correctly.

Other way of doing this you can use animated GIF tire image that will show rotate animation in loop, to create animated GIF you can use photoshop.

Phil Robinson


I am in the middle of researching that. I have another project that will hopefully be kicking off soon. It is basically a clean-up project from another vendor that will require adding some interactions and knowledge checks. It was done in or loaded to BrainShark. The end result was a 50 screen continuous video with no interaction until you get to the quiz at the end. 

From what I can tell so far, we'll have to use Studio (Presenter, Engage, Quizmaker). I know you can load flash to BrainShark. We are still waiting on the source files to see what we have to work with. I'll keep you posted on our progress. If anyone else has experience working with BrainShark, please chime in. There are still a lot of unanswered questions.



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