Sample Tutorials Not Opening at start up screen

Dec 11, 2014

Hi All,

I have installed the Storyline 2 and it's working fine except when I click on the tutorials on the startup screen (see attached screenshot), I can't open any of them. It goes straight into the text editor program called "Sublime Text 2" which I installed for my programming language.

Also, I have noticed that I can view those tutorials on YouTube and on community articulate site. But, why can't I view them on startup screen?

I have attempted changing file association in Windows but no good.

Anyone comes across this before?

4 Replies
Michael Hinze
Theticus Maximus

Thanks Ashley,

On second attempt, I went into Windows Explorer and selected xxx.html file and right click and "Open with.." -> "Choose default program.." -> Tick the Always use the selected blah blah and click on "Browse" and look for "chrome.exe" (vary on OS, 32 bit or 64bit etc so location may be different, mine was in 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe') and click Open then OK to close it off.

What I was doing was just on the first screen (Open With) and selected the program but didn't dig deep enough to tell the system what program to associate with.

Its now opening OK.

Thanks again for all who replied.

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