SCORE Variable won't Change

Mar 14, 2016

I think I've figured out that the SCORE variable that I created in my basic Jeopardy(R)-like game won't change because the trigger is on a different slide, BUT the reference on the main page tells me that it's changing, so why can't the SCORE variable see that? I just want to add points to the total score based on their answer. And if that is the problem, how do I fix it? I really wanted this to work and so far it's taking me a long time to figure it out. I used Free Form question templates for each of the question slides. 

I've spent enough time on this that I don't want to re-build it within a downloadable template. I've attached my .story file so all you wonderful people can help me because you always help me figure out these sorts of things (except I couldn't find exactly the right solution so that's why I'm posting).

Thanks for your help.

4 Replies
Dane James

I'm guessing that you want the points to add up with the correct answer from the 100,200 and 300 slides. See if this helps, this should be your trigger for your question slides. You can select an object on the slide to trigger and choose add or subtract  a value or trigger from the submit button You will need to do this for each question slide. Hope this helps.

Walt Hamilton

I haven't looked at your story, but I can share a bit about triggers and variables.

Triggers that monitor the change of a variable can only notice the change if the action (user action, trigger, etc.) that initiates the change is on the same slide as the monitor.

Variables always keep their last value, across all slides.

So practically, you can change the score from 1 to 2 on slide 1, and triggers on slide 3 will not know that it changes, but will know that it is now 2.

Anna Veach

I just tried what you suggested (with the trigger on the correct image) and the score actually changed! I'm cautiously optimistic that this will resolve the issue. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'll report back shortly if it is successful. I am concerned I may have an issue with different combinations. We'll see!


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