SCORM content and Java Error

Nov 30, 2016

Hi everyone,

When publishing my Content (SCORM, ZIP-File, creating with Storyline 2) to my LMS (based on OLAT). Only some User get an Java Error (see attachment). On my computer everything is fine!

Does anyone in the community know what's the solution?



3 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Thanks for that update, Marcel. It sounds like we can rule out the browser as the culprit. It can be tough to pinpoint the root cause of the issue when it is only affecting some of your users, especially when you can't reproduce the behavior yourself. At this point it would be most helpful if our engineers could poke around in the file a little to troubleshoot. If you do decide to share it with our engineers, you can let me know the case number here and I'll be sure to follow along with it as well! :) 

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