SCORM not Completing

Sep 19, 2019

Hi Articulate Team!

I recently update some of the questions in our exams.
However, now the SCORM isn't communicating completion to the LMS.
I did not change any settings. I even tested it in SCORM Cloud and it is also saying incomplete even if the exam has been passed. The exams are setup as pass/incomplete SCORM 1.2 with a passing score of 75%.
What might I be overlooking as to why these are no longer communicating as passed/completed.

Thanks in advance!



10 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Philip,

Thanks for reaching out and sharing what you are running into with your published project and that you were able to replicate the issue in SCORM Cloud.

I've opened a case on your behalf so that you can share your file and work privately with one of our support engineers.

You should be hearing from someone soon.

Philip Deer

Found the issue!

I needed to add additional triggers to the 'Submit' button to submit the results for each results slide since I am calculating results based on multiple results slides combined.

I made sure those triggers for the additional results slides appeared before the trigger related to the results slide the users see. It worked! It now communicates completion.Thanks again for your time and help.

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