SCORM troubles

Jan 10, 2013

Hi all

I've published a storyline project as SCORM 2004 compliant settings but the LMS I've sent it to is sending me the following error. Has anyone run into this? Or does anyone know what the issue is? Is it on my end or the LMS?

Thank you in advanced!


Encountered problems importing course. Ensure the course is properly
packaged with an imsmanifest.xml file at the root of the .zip file.

Specific error: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was
unable to process request. --->
ORA-08177: can't serialize access for this transaction ORA-06512: at
line 1 Details: Called 'usp_scorm_AddPackageProperties' with the
parameters: @scorm_package_id = 29233, @show_finish_button = False,
@show_course_structure = False, @show_progress_bar = False, @show_help =
False, @show_nav_bar = False, @show_titlebar = False, @enable_flow_nav =
False, @enable_choice_nav = False, @course_structure_width = 0,
@course_structure_starts_open = False, @sco_launch_type = 2,
@player_launch_type = 1, @prevent_right_click = True,
@prevent_window_resize = False, @required_width = 0, @required_height =
0, @required_fullscreen = False, @desired_width = 1024, @desired_height
= 768, @desired_fullscreen = False, @int_sat_logout_action = 4,
@int_sat_normal_action = 4, @int_sat_suspend_action = 4,
@int_sat_timeout_action = 4, @int_not_sat_logout_action = 4,
@int_not_sat_normal_action = 4, @int_not_sat_suspend_action = 4,
@int_not_sat_timeout_action = 4, @final_sat_logout_action = 1,
@final_sat_normal_action = 1, @final_sat_suspend_action = 1,
@final_sat_timeout_action = 1, @final_not_sat_logout_action = 1,
@final_not_sat_normal_action = 1, @final_not_sat_suspend_action = 1,
@final_not_sat_timeout_action = 1, @status_display = 4,
@score_rollup_mode = 3, @number_of_scoring_objects = ,
@status_rollup_mode = 3, @threshold_score_for_completion = ,
@first_sco_is_pretest = False, @wrap_sco_window_with_api = True,
@finish_causes_immediate_commit = False, @debug_control_audit = True,
@debug_control_detailed = False, @debug_rte_audit = True,
@debug_rte_detailed = True, @debug_sequencing_audit = False,
@debug_sequencing_detailed = False, @debug_lookahead_audit = False,
@debug_lookahead_detailed = True, @debug_include_timestamps = True,
@comm_max_failed_submissions = 2, @comm_commit_frequency = 60000,
@invalid_menu_item_action = 3, @always_flow_to_first_sco = True,
@logout_causes_player_exit = False, @reset_rt_timing = 1,
@offline_synch_mode = 2, @validate_interaction_responses = True,
@lookahead_sequencer_mode = 2, @update_by = SCP Manager Web Service,
---> System.Data.OracleClient.OracleException: ORA-08177: can't
serialize access for this transaction ORA-06512: at
line 1 at
errorHandle, Int32 rc) at
statementHandle, CommandBehavior behavior, Boolean needRowid,
OciRowidDescriptor& rowidDescriptor, ArrayList& resultParameterOrdinals)
needRowid, OciRowidDescriptor& rowidDescriptor) at
System.Data.OracleClient.OracleCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() at
uery(String statement, ArrayList parameters, CommandType type) --- End
of inner exception stack trace --- at
geId externalId, LearningObject lo, Boolean objectivesGlobalToSystem,
LearningStandard learningStandard, PackageProperties packageProperties,
String webPath, String updateBy, ExternalConfiguration externalConfig)
Package(String filePathToManifest, String serExternalPackageId, String
learningObjectId, Boolean objectivesGlobalToSystem, String
packagePropertiesXml, String webPath, String serExternalConfig) in
ILE\TestTrackExtensions\ScpManager.asmx.cs:line 43 --- End of inner
exception stack trace ---

7 Replies
Christine Hendrickson

Hi Kelly. Welcome to E-Learning Heroes!

Would you mind testing your course in SCORM Cloud to help us determine if the issue is Articulate related or if it's on your LMS's side? If it appears in SCORM Cloud as well, we'd be happy to take a closer look at what might be going on. If you can't replicate the issue in SCORM Cloud, it's probably an issue that you'd want to take to your LMS team. The articles here and here may also help clear up common LMS issues.

Let us know!



Christine Hendrickson

Hi Kelly,

Yes, if you used that method it should be fine. And the screenshot looks good, thank you. I just wasn't sure if you saw this message while you were trying to upload it, or after. If it didn't pop up beforehand, and the course worked from SCORM Cloud, it sounds like the error you're getting is on the LMS side. 

Taking a closer look at the error, it sounds like the file that was uploaded to the LMS may have been uploaded to the wrong directory or it needs some additional modification. What LMS are you using? Are you able to contact them about the error?


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