Screen recording with multiple new windows

Mar 25, 2014

Hi I am creating a piece of e-learning which requires several windows to open during the course of the demonstration.  The software is web-based, but as the interraction evolves, new windows open up showing the next step.

Is it possible to show all the windows without recording the full screen.  There doesn't seem to be an in-between option.

I also use the Ctrl key to show a ring around the icon that the mouse is over and this doesn't seem to record.

Can anyone help?

Thank you


3 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Bridget,

If you're recording something that opens up new windows you can drag them into the recording screen area to ensure that they're captured. Although I'm not sure if you'd like to show all the windows next to one another, and if so you may need to minimize them or scale them to a desired size so that they all fit. 

In regards to the Ctrl key - is this a functionality of your software?  Have you looked at the mouse cursor options within Storyline - you could add this element after depending on your set up. 

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